Wednesday, November 2, 2011

NaNoWriMo- Day 2

Thus ends Day 2 of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month if this is the first entry you have read). I was happily reminded by my friend to update my word count on the NaNoWriMo page because it read zero (thank you Kortnee) and now I am current. I also looked and realized I had read wrong and my daily word count should be 1,666 words at least so I made up for what I missed and I currently stand at 4,211, well over my par for the second day (that's 2,960 for the day). I am loving the experience of "needing" to finish words for the day because it feels like a deadline and I do better with deadlines. I am now thinking I should set deadlines for myself all year long and I will start this after this month when I no longer have a handy dandy computer tracking my progress. Now I am done for the day and off to bed to rest my brain. Tomorrow I will continue on my adventure and I aim to beat my minimum word count considerably. Have a great night everyone and happy writing to my fellow NaNoWriMo writers! See you all tomorrow!

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